
The anti-smog resolution

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The anti-smog resolution for Mazovia is a very important step in the fight for clean air. For Warsaw, the document is all the more important as a large part of the pollution recorded in the capital comes from neighbouring municipalities.

The anti-smog resolution was adopted on 24 October and entered into force on 11 November 2017. It applies to all users of devices with a capacity of up to 1 MW, in which solid fuels are burnt, i.e., in particular, owners of: stoves, fireplaces and boilers, including boilers included in the sets of solid fuel boilers, supplementary heaters, temperature controllers and solar devices.

What are the main sources of air pollution listed in Warsaw?

Road transport contributes to air pollution, but it is not the only reason for it. There are also stoves and boilers fired with coal and wood or – even worse – with waste, which is illegal. Depending on the smog episode and the city district, the share of pollutant emissions from the combustion of low-quality solid fuels may range from 30 to 80%, and from transport - from 30 to 70%. There is no single data on the share of pollution sources for the whole of Warsaw, due to the differences between districts and the nature of individual episodes.

How does Warsaw help residents adjust individual heating equipment to the requirements of the new resolution?

Warsaw residents may apply for a subsidy to replace old stoves with new gas ones or to connect the building to the municipal heating network. Warsaw also provides subsidies for investments using local renewable energy sources.